
Sometimes a field needs to have properties added/removed when a field has a certain value. This is where dynamicOptions comes into play. dynamicOptions can alter any of a field's top level properties, like children, component, fieldOptions etc. when the given schema is true or false. The behavior is the same as displayOptions, however in contrast to displayOptions you can pass in an array of options by using an array.

There are 2 options: Full and Single.


The full model uses the entire form model as data.

// Option 1 - full JSON schema
data() {
  return {
    uiSchema: [{
      component: 'div',
      children: [{
        component: 'div',
        dynamicOptions: {
          schema: {
            type: object,
            properties: {
              firstName: {
                type: 'string',
                minLength: 3
            required: ['firstName']
          options: {
            // any of a field's top level property is valid here
            fieldOptions: {
              // any value that is valid in fieldOptions can be used here
              class: ['text-success']


The Full option can be a bit verbose when you only rely on a single field's model, and thus you set the model property on the displayOptions object to only use the value of that field's model.

// Option 2 - single schema
data() {
  return {
    uiSchema: [{
      component: 'div',
      children: [{
        component: 'div',
        // Here we use an array of dynamic options, but you don't have to do that just to use the single schema
        // You can just as well use an object like in the "Full" example above.
        dynamicOptions: [
            // Here we set to use the firstName model as the value to evaluate the schema against
            model: 'firstName',
            schema: {
              type: 'string',
              minLength: 3
            options: {
              // any of a field's top level property is valid here
              fieldOptions: {
                // any value that is valid in fieldOptions can be used here
                class: ['text-success'],
                domProps: {
                  innerHTML: 'Looking good, person with a first name with more than 3 characters!'
            model: 'firstName',
            schema: {
              type: 'string',
              maxLength: 2
            options: {
              // any of a field's top level property is valid here
              fieldOptions: {
                // any value that is valid in fieldOptions can be used here
                class: ['text-warning'],
                domProps: {
                  innerHTML: 'Hey, that is cool! Your first name is less than or equal to 2 characters!'

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