
The class property can be configured in 3 ways. Either as an Object, Array or simply a String. This is essentially the same API as v-bind:class uses.


An Object must have the classes as keys and the keys' value should be a Boolean.

// Option 1: Object
data() {
  uiSchema: [{
    component: 'div',
    fieldOptions: {
      class: {
        'col-12': true, // Class is included
        'col-md-6': true, // Class is included
        'col-lg-4': false // Class is NOT included


An Array should be a an array of strings, multidimensional arrays or arrays with any other values other than strings are not supported.

// Option 2: Arrays
data() {
  uiSchema: [{
    component: 'div',
    fieldOptions: {
      // All values in array is included
      class: [


// Option 3: String
data() {
  uiSchema: [{
    component: 'div',
    fieldOptions: {
      class: 'col-12 col-md-6'

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