
errorHandler is a Boolean, which is set to true for fields which should handle the error messages for a model. The component will get the the same props as any other component but it cannot receive any children as the default slot is populated by the rendered errors.

The errors are passed as the default slot are rendered individually as a <div>. If you want to render them differently you can handle the errors in the vfjsFieldErrors prop yourself. This is an array of the Ajv validation errors


data() {
  return {
    jsonSchema: {
      type: 'object',
      required: ['input1'],
      properties: {
        input1: {
          type: 'string',
          minLength: 1 // Value has to be at least 1 character
    uiSchema: [{
      component: 'input',
      model: 'input1',
      fieldOptions: {
        // Optionally set the attributes on the dom element as well
        // This can be used to let the browser validate the form
        // If you don't want the browser to validate the form
        // use the `novalidate` attribute on <vue-form-json-schema/>
        attrs: {
          // Set required attribute on the dom element
          required: true
          // Set minlength attribute
          minlength: 1
        on: ['change']
    }, {
      // This component takes care of the errors from `input1`
      // If the form is submitted with the input being empty the error handler
      // will render the errors inside it
      component: 'div',
      model: 'input1',
      errorHandler: true,
      fieldOptions: {
        class: ['bg-danger']

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